As a busy mum juggling family life, work, and personal interests, finding time for self-care can feel like an impossible task. But what if I told you there’s a simple, yet powerful practice that can transform your mindset, boost your mood, and even improve your sleep – all in just a few minutes a day? Enter the gratitude journal, a game-changer for overwhelmed mums everywhere.

The Power of Putting Pen to Paper

Before we dive into the incredible benefits of keeping a gratitude journal, let’s talk about the importance of actually hand writing it. In our digital age, it’s tempting to turn to apps or digital notes for journaling. However, there’s something special about the physical act of writing that can’t be replicated on a screen.

When you put pen to paper, you engage your brain in a unique way.

The physical sensation of writing, combined with the slower pace compared to typing, allows for deeper reflection and processing of your thoughts. It’s a mindful practice that helps you slow down and truly focus on the positive aspects of your life.

How to Start a Gratitude Journal

Getting started with a gratitude journal is simpler than you might think.

Here’s a quick guide to help you begin:

  • Choose the right journal:
    Look for a notebook that feels special to you. An A5-sized journal is perfect – not too big to be cumbersome, but with enough space to write comfortably.

  • Set a regular time:
    Pick a consistent time each day for your practice. Many people find that writing in the morning or before bed (or both!) works well.

  • Start small:
    Begin by writing three things you’re grateful for each day. They can be big or small – from a delicious cup of coffee to a heartwarming moment with your kids.

  • Be specific:
    Instead of just listing items, describe why you’re grateful for them. This helps you connect more deeply with the positive emotions.

  • Make it a habit:
    Consistency is key. Try to write in your journal every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

The Science Behind Gratitude: Effects on the Brain

Practising gratitude isn’t just a feel-good exercise – it has real, measurable effects on your brain. Studies have shown that regular gratitude practice can:

  • Increase production of dopamine and serotonin, the “feel-good” neurotransmitters
  • Activate the brain’s reward centre, creating a positive feedback loop
  • Reduce cortisol levels, helping to lower stress and anxiety
  • Strengthen neural pathways, making it easier to notice and appreciate positive experiences

These neurological changes can lead to improved mood, increased resilience, and a more optimistic outlook on life – all crucial benefits for busy mums navigating the challenges of daily life.

Brain activity from gratitude journaling

How to Practise Gratitude Every Day

While your gratitude journal is a cornerstone of your practice, there are many ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily routine:

  • 1

    Share gratitude with your family: Make it a dinner-time ritual to share one thing you’re each grateful for.

  • 2

    Express appreciation to others: Take a moment to thank someone sincerely, whether it’s your partner, your child’s teacher, or a friendly cashier.

  • 3

    Gratitude walks: During your daily walk or while pushing the stroller, focus on the things you see, hear, and feel that you’re grateful for.

  • 4

    Mindful moments: Take brief pauses throughout the day to appreciate something in your immediate environment.

  • 5

    Gratitude jar: Keep a jar where family members can add notes about things they’re grateful for, then read them together on special occasions.

The Perfect Tool for Your Gratitude Journey

For my UK-based readers, I’m excited to offer the ideal companion for your gratitude practice. My exclusive Gratitude Journal Kit includes:

  • A beautiful lined A5 notepad
  • An elastic fabric pen holder to always have a pen to hand
  • A corner bookmark, to highlight the page you are on

This all-in-one kit makes it easy to start and maintain your gratitude practice, whether you’re writing at home or on-the-go. The compact size fits easily by the side of your bed, or in your handbag, so you can jot down moments of gratitude wherever you are.

Alternatively, you can check out some other options over on Amazon

Embrace the Transformative Power of Gratitude

As busy mums, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of daily life and lose sight of the beautiful moments that surround us. A gratitude journal offers a simple yet profound way to shift your perspective, reduce stress, and cultivate joy – even on the most challenging days.

By taking just a few minutes each day to handwrite your gratitudes, you’re not only improving your own well-being but also setting a powerful example for your children. You’re teaching them the invaluable skill of noticing and appreciating the good in their lives.

So, why not start your gratitude journey today?
Grab a pen and paper, or treat yourself to our specially designed Gratitude Journal Kit, and begin experiencing the life-changing benefits of this simple practice.

Your future self – and your family – will thank you for it.

Remember, in the words of  Melody Beattie, “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

Happy journaling!